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Grant Watson
Nueva Zelanda | Dip Phys (Auck), ADP (OMT), Dip MT, Dip. MDT
Grant Watson is Consultant Physiotherapist at Collingwood Health Centre, Golden Bay, New Zealand. From 2010 to 2014 he was self- employed as a Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist with Connect Physical Health, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, and was a senior partner in Richmond Physiotherapy Centre, Nelson, from 1997–2010.
He is a Senior and International Instructor, and Assistant Director of Education, for the McKenzie Institute International and has taught extensively in Australasia, the Americas, the Middle East and Europe since 1996. He has also been involved with the university-based Diploma in MDT programme since 2004 as a distance-learning tutor, clinical component supervisor, and examiner.
He is a co-author with Robin McKenzie of “Treat Your Own Knee” (2012), “Treat Your Own Shoulder”(2009), and co-author of “Treat Your Own Strains, Sprains and Bruises” (1994). In 2012 he was awarded the “Bronze Lady” Extension Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to education in the field of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy.